
We are committed to supporting Government’s strategy for sustainability and climate change in education to reduce our environmental footprint and the drive achieve net zero. The vision is that The United Kingdom is the world-leading education sector in sustainability and climate change by 2030

And this will be achieved through the following strategic aims:

  1. Excellence in education and skills for a changing world: preparing all young people for a world impacted by climate change through learning and practical experience.
  2. Net zero: reducing direct and indirect emissions from education and care buildings, driving innovation to meet legislative targets and providing opportunities for children and young people to engage practically in the transition to net zero.
  3. Resilience to climate change: adapting our education and care buildings and system to prepare for the effects of climate change.
  4. A better environment for future generations: enhancing biodiversity, improving air quality and increasing access to, and connection with, nature in and around education and care settings.

At Teddington, we are working towards this through the following initial projects.  These will adapt and develop as we tackle them:-

Our recently completed projects

  • New tree and hedge planting by the Student Council after a successful application to the Woodland Trust.
  • Full refurbishment of the main boys and girls toilet blocks has included grey (rainwater) harvesting for all toilets; replacement of all lights with new low energy LED fittings; motion censor taps to reduce accidental water usage and motion censor lighting to reduce usage to when occupied.
  • The refurbishment for the SRP Unit has included new low energy LED fittings with motion censors reduce usage to when occupied.

Our Projects 2022-24

Project Information Aims Timescale Recent Update
Remove single use plastic bottles and cans from sale  The canteen will no longer sell single use plastic bottles or cans.  All students issued with a reusable drinks bottle and Generation Juice drinks dispencers installed.  1,2,4 Complete No single use plastic bottles and cans are sold on the school site.  All students issued with a reusable drinks bottle and drinks dispensers and water fountains available.
Introduce a clearer separated waste strategy with the goal of reducing collected mixed waste by April 2023 Every classroom and office to have a separate paper and card collection bin.  Cleaners trained on separate collections.  To increase the recyclable volume of waste and reduce the mixed waste collection  1,2 Complete By April 2023, we had reduced our collected mixed waste by 25% and increased our recycling collections by 25%
Further tree planting, re-wilding of the site Woodland Trust application for hedgerows submitted in August 2022 to create further green corridors around the car park.  1,2,3,4 Phase 1 Complete New infill hedgerows planted around the school perimeter
Continued LED lighting replacement of bulbs and smart upgrade of the lighting system To continue to upgrade all lighting to low-energy LED bulbs with a strategic, cost effective approach. 2,3 Complete Specification agreed and procurement underway
Electronic Car park gates – reducing vehicles in and around site to improve air quality No collections or drop offs from within the school car parks will reduce idling engines near students on site.  This will be supplemented by encouraging cycling and walking to school 2,4 Complete Gates and operational and have reduced vehicle movements around the school site.
New cycle bay locations identified
Adapting our use of the DfE Period Products Scheme To reduce the use of single use products through utilising the new DfE offer to include reusable personal products for students 1,2 Complete Launched in April 2023
Electric Vehicle Charging points To install EV charging points in the main car park to offer a greater opportunity for staff to be supported in owning an electric vehicle, to reduce emissions and their carbon footprint.  To future proof the site as electric vehicles become more common and available. 2,4 Complete Specification agreed and procurement underway
Solar PV Panel reconnection To reconnect and benefit from solar panel technology situated on the roof, but not connected 2,3 Complete  
No single use products in the restaurant To remove any single use packaging or item from the restaurant entirely (such as cutlery, cardboard pasta pots etc.) by moving to a 100% reusable products scheme 1,2,3 Complete Complete
Reduce unused food waste  To explore what unused food can be donated or sold cheaper at the end of the day to reduce wastage from unsold products or leftover items not needed for preparing meals. 1,4 Complete The school and Cucina have partnered with Olio and have a community scheme in place which has reduced waste and fed local families.  
Food is now also sold after school at a reduced price to students and staff


Olio at Teddington School

We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Olio to fight food waste!

Teddington School has started working with Olio to make sure no food goes to waste at our school canteens.

How does it work?

It’s simple: Olio volunteers collect whatever food doesn’t get eaten from our canteens. They then share any spare food with members of the local community - quickly and safely – via Olio’s app.

Our spare food ends up feeding people in the local community, rather than going to waste. Plus, sharing food through Olio means we’re helping care for the climate, too.

How can you get involved?

As well as offering schools like ours a way to redistribute uneaten food, Olio is also a sharing app for local communities, on a mission to fight waste.  It makes it easy to pass on the things you no longer need — from food to furniture, and clothes to books — to people who live nearby.

You can also use Olio to see what food you could collect for free in the local area.

Download Olio on Google Play or the App Store and get started today.

Teddington School Impact


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