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- GCSE Pathways
At Teddington school, we are committed to offering a broad and balanced curriculum, which prepares our students effectively for adult life.
Our aim is to ensure that when students choose their GCSE pathways in Year 9, they feel prepared and are able to study courses that suit their needs and aspirations.
The rigorous process, led by the Head of Year, ensures the best pathways are selected for each individual student. We take into account a multitude of considerations, with the students at the centre of the decisions. The families' role in the process is vital so that you can support your child's decisions and help them to make informed choices.
It is important to be aware that upon commencing their GCSE studies, all students will study four core subjects:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Maths
- Science, combined or triple science
In addition, all students will follow a course in a Humanity and most will study a Modern Foreign Language if they are able to. The remaining subject choices make up our pathways process.
Further Support
A fantastic article that sets out 19 questions for you to ask yourself when thinking about your GCSE pathways. The questions are below, but more information is available in the article. It is important to consider your response to many of these questions as it is likely you have thought them!
Please note any starred questions as they may not be relevant to our school.
Should I base GCSE pathways on what I am good at?
Should I base my GCSE pathways on what I enjoy?
Should I choose a GCSE pathway because I like a teacher
Should I choose a GCSE subject because my friends are doing it?
How much should money and future salary be a factor when I am choosing GCSEs?
Whose advice should I listen to when choosing GCSE pathways?
**We require students to take 9 GCSE subjects, so you will not be able to chose more or less.
Are my A-Level choices affected by the GCSE choices I make now?
Do universities care about which GCSE pathways you choose?
Should I think about how courses are marked when choosing GCSE pathways?
What’s the difference triple or double sciences?
How important is it to get good grades in my GCSEs?
What’s the difference between ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ subjects?
Should I Take Subjects Which Aren’t GCSEs?
How useful is GCSE advice from online student forums?
Does my final GCSE pathways list look balanced?
Does it matter if I’m in a lower set for my GCSEs?
Will I ever regret my GCSE choices?
How can I cope with the immense stress of choosing GCSE pathways?
Who to contact for more information:
Further information about subjects – subject teachers and heads of subjects. Contact details are available from this page.
Careers advice and requesting a careers meeting:
- Ms Melissa Metcalfe - Assistant Headteacher
Queries regarding the pathways process:
- Ms Kath Corrigall - Deputy Headteacher
- Ms Maddie Barrow - Head of Year 9