Personal Development Curriculum

At Teddington School we provide a personal development curriculum to support the holistic development of students throughout their time at school, underpinned by the belief that an excellent education develops students not just academically, but socially and emotionally. This curriculum aims to support each student’s understanding of the factors that impact their health and happiness, both inside and outside of school.

Our Personal Development Curriculum includes:

  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • PSHE
  • Careers
  • Religious Studies (Year 10 & 11) 
  • Character Development
  • Self-Awareness
  • Social Responsibility

The bespoke character curriculum allows students to reflect on their own behaviour to ensure that they develop positive habits and act with integrity in the school and wider community. The curriculum is mapped against the four Teddington Pillars.

Personal Development Curriculum Implementation:

  • The curriculum is planned to ensure that ideas are built upon throughout key stages
  • The curriculum is mapped to meet statutory requirements
  • The curriculum is delivered by tutor teams during registration
  • The sessions last 30 minutes each day
  • The curriculum is discussion based, with written activities to allow student reflection 
  • Staff delivering the curriculum receive regular training 
  • Assessment is undertaken during lessons, allowing staff to address misconceptions and at the end of each unit.

Support Material:

Families can access sample lessons from our personal development platform, Wellio, using the below information. There are 3 example lessons so that families can get a feel of the lessons being delivered. 


Password: BearModern75

Login URL:

Personal Development Curriculum Map 

Personal Development Curriculum Scheme - Autumn 1

RSE Policy 

RSE Parent Guide

RSE Sample Lesson

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