


The mathematics curriculum at Teddington School is designed to enable all students to build a secure framework of mathematical skills and reasoning, which they can use and apply with confidence in their everyday and future adult lives. We achieve this through:

  • our inclusive spiral curriculum, adapted to students’ prior learning;
  • a focus on developing mathematical fluency; and,
  • by providing challenge to all students at every stage of their mathematical journey.

Our curriculum is structured so that students are constantly building on their prior knowledge as they progress through the school. Students revisit topics over the key stages, deepening and widening their knowledge and skills each time. Topics are interleaved facilitating the consolidation of previously learnt skills and accelerating students’ ability to make connections between the different strands of mathematics and solve complex problems. As topics are studied concurrently within each year group and classes are set, students access the appropriate level of challenge for their current mathematical stage of development. We encourage them to think creatively and reason logically so that their ability to apply their knowledge to unfamiliar contexts develops. Our intention is to engage and enthuse by continuously providing challenge to all students throughout their mathematical journey at Teddington School. Our students enjoy learning mathematics, achieve academic excellence and leave future ready.

The curriculum sequence and course specifications can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

GCSE Mathematics (Both Higher and Foundation Tiers)

OCR Free Standing Maths Qualification (FMSQ) Additional Mathematics

A level MathematicsA level Further Mathematics

Curriculum Sequence: Mathematics

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