
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: 11th March 2020

Posted on: 11/03/2020

Dear Parents / Carers,

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

We are very aware that this is a worrying time for students and parents so we would like to reassure you that should the current situation deteriorate, we have a number of plans and procedures in place to manage it.  We are receiving regular updates from Public Health England (PHE), the Department for Education and the Local Authority.  

Please keep the school informed if any member of your family becomes unwell and is suspected of or is diagnosed as having contracted Coronavirus.  If you are concerned about Coronavirus and plan to keep your child off school, please discuss this with the school first.  There is detailed guidance available from the government on what to do if family members or visitors have returned to the UK from a Coronavirus ‘hotspot’.  The NHS 111 website will provide guidance if you are worried that a family member may have come in contact with Coronavirus.

The school’s cleaning contractor is focussing on thorough daily cleaning of frequently touched areas such as door handles, light switches etc.  Students are being reminded regularly to wash hands on arrival at school, after using the toilet, before eating and after sneezing.  Tissues are available for those who need them.

Public Health England guidance advises that, in most cases, even if there is a confirmed case of Coronavirus within the school community, closure of the school is unnecessary.  We can assure you that in this situation we would take further advice from PHE to ensure the correct local decision is taken.

The Chief Medical Officer’s announcement on Monday 9 March that anyone with even mild symptoms of a respiratory infection may be advised in the near future to self-isolate could result in a sufficiently high number of staff absences to lead to the need to ask some students to remain at home for a period of time.  We are very aware of the disruptive impact this can have on families and would like to reassure you that a partial or full closure of the school will only be taken as a last resort.  Neither of these actions is currently planned.

Should a partial or full closure be necessary, we will aim to give you as much notice as possible through email and the school website.  For those year groups not attending school, staff will be setting work and providing feedback to students through Show My Homework, however we would write further to confirm full arrangements if this is the case.

Years 11 and 13 will be prioritised with other year groups attending on a rota basis as staffing allows.
A public health situation such as this has the potential to cause alarm in the community, so it is important that a sense of perspective is maintained, and any discussion with young people is calm and measured.  We also ask your support in ensuring that students who are suspected of having contracted Coronavirus are not targeted by other students or discriminated against.

Yours faithfully, 

Kathy Pacey 

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